Rabbi Elie Kaunfer’s Resource Guide

Rabbi Elie Kaunfer, President and CEO of the Hadar Institute, shares resources beyond his episode on the Rabbinic (re)design podcast.

Looking for something new and meaningful to read over the holidays this year? Hadar’s High Holiday Reader contains essays from Hadar’s distinguished faculty that discuss the deeper meanings of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and sukkot. This year’s reader explores how individuals find our place both within and without community. Register here for a printed copy of the reader mailed to your home, or request the pdf-printable version.

  •  Project Zug has launched its first-ever Elul Cycle taught by Rabbi Elie Kaunfer!

    Elul, the last month of the Jewish year, is a period of intentional introspection and repentance in preparation for the High Holidays. During this special Zug cycle, all the learning pairs will learn Unlocking the Mahzor: A Look At Key High Holiday Prayers, over a self-guided four-week period. The course includes two LIVE online lectures with Rabbi Elie Kaunfer. Learn more and sign up here by Friday, August 14.

  • Teshuva One Day at a Time

    Want to make the most of the ten days of Repentance this year?  Sign up to receive a daily message between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur that guides you in a different aspect of teshuva each day, with content for reflection and guidance on practical exercises to make teshuva real.

  •  Erev Yom Kippur Live: Learning, Song and Preparation

    Get in the mood for Yom Kippur by learning about the themes and prayers of the day, enjoying soulful melodies and excerpts from Yom Kippur liturgy, and engaging in longstanding erev Yom Kippur traditions like making a yahrzeit candle and reciting prayers for loved ones.  In ancient times, erev Yom Yippur was a mini-holiday in its own right, known as Ma'al (derived from the Aramaic word for “erev”).  Since our actual Yom Kippur this year will be like no other, we have an opportunity to revive the power of the day before. Join for the whole day or tune in for part!


Daniel Bogard’s Guide to Live Streaming for the Perplexed


Hacking the Holidays - Sukkot Ideation Document